


Who doesn’t love chives? Chives are the perfect topper to almost any meal or side dish. This prolific growing perennial will provide you loads of return once established in your garden.

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Start indoors from late winter through mid-spring, and transplant or direct sow once the soil has warmed in late spring. Optimal soil temperature for germination: 19°C (65°F). Sow 5mm-1cm (¼-½”) deep and keep moist until germination. If starting indoors, use bottom heat and plant 10-15 seeds per cell in a 72 cell plug tray. Transplant either into containers or into the garden once the soil has warmed up. Space clumps 15cm (6″) apart. Clumps of chives spread to about 30cm (12″) across. They should be divided at that point and replanted to stand 30cm (12″) apart or broken up for container planting. Remove flower stems before they open to increase foliage production. Keep chives watered evenly throughout the season. For a winter crop, try digging up a small clump after the foliage dies back in the fall. Plant this in a container using loamy potting mix, and bring indoors to a warm, and very bright windowsill. Chives don’t dehydrate well, so use fresh portions regularly. The flowers can be used in salads or to flavour vinegars. You can also plant these seeds in the late fall for spring blooms.

Each package has approximately 20 seeds.

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